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photo - Mature Woman Votes in Booth at Polling Station
BLOG POST · JULY 9, 2024

Who Voted in the March Primary and What Does It Mean for November?

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We provide data-driven, nonpartisan research and spark productive conversations to inspire policy solutions for California’s challenges.

Featured Blog Post · May 20, 2024

Extreme Heat Takes a Toll on Californians’ Health

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Fact Cards

55% Most California adults favor providing health care to undocumented immigrants.
About 2 in 3 Californians support the state making its own policies to address climate change.
Safety net programs kept more than 14% of children out of poverty in early 2023.
California added more than 5 million people since 1990, yet urban water use changed little.
Gun incidents drove well over half of the rise in violent crime since 2019.
77% Most Californians say housing affordability is a problem in their part of the state.
Schools were a key source of food for low-income families despite closures during the pandemic.
A majority of the nearly 6 million students in California’s public schools are “high need”—low-income, English Learner (EL), homeless, or foster youth.
In 2020, California lost population for the first time in state history.