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Barrie Hathaway

President and CEO


Barrie Hathaway is president and CEO of JobTrain. A nearly 20-year veteran of nonprofits, he leads JobTrain’s strategic direction, develops growth plans, and guides the management team. Prior to joining JobTrain, he was executive director of The Stride Center, a workforce development nonprofit that prepares low-income adults for professional careers in technology. Before stepping into the nonprofit world in 2002, he spent nearly two decades as a supply chain management executive in the high technology sector. His work and leadership in nonprofits have been often recognized: in 2010, he was named National Social Enterprise Leader of the Year by the Social Enterprise Alliance; he received the Jefferson Award for Nonprofit Leadership in 2012; and was selected for the Tipping Point Community Award in 2015. He is a member of the PPIC Economic Policy Center Advisory Council. He is a past fellow of the Leaderspring Executive Fellows program and has a BS in organizational development and a master’s in nonprofit administration from the University of San Francisco.