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blog post

Tuition at CSU and UC Is Growing—but So Is Aid

By Jacob Jackson

Planned tuition increases at the state's public universities will mean higher college costs for many. But both CSU and UC are taking steps to minimize the financial impact, especially for the lowest-income families.

blog post

More Students Than Ever Ready for UC and CSU

By Jacob Jackson, Hans Johnson

More students than ever in California are graduating from high school having completed college prep coursework, but can UC and CSU accommodate them?

blog post

UC Admissions: What the Numbers Mean

By Jacob Jackson

The University of California’s recently released admissions data shows that about 62% of all applicants were admitted for fall 2017. UC expects that less than half will enroll.

blog post

UC and CSU Face Budget Challenges

By Kevin Cook

The University of California and California State University face significant revenue loss this year and may see further cuts in the coming years.

blog post

Expanding Enrollment at UC and CSU

By Kevin Cook, Hans Johnson

Governor Newsom’s proposed state budget supports increased enrollment in California’s public universities, but a long-term funding plan could help ensure that UC and CSU meet student demand and the state’s needs.

blog post

UC’s Experiment in Measuring Costs

By Patrick Murphy, Kevin Cook

A little-noticed provision in the state budget could help University of California campuses improve their budgetary decision-making.

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