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Online Courses and Achievement Gaps

By Hans Johnson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

Online learning offers the promise of expanded access to and success in higher education. To truly fulfill that promise, it must do so across the diverse population of California students.


Achievement Gaps and Graduation Requirements in California’s Schools

About the Program

This event highlights two new reports on K–12 education

Achievement Gaps
California has adopted new K–12 policies designed to close achievement gaps between socioeconomic and demographic groups. What can we learn from the first year of new standardized tests about how high-need students are faring? PPIC researcher Laura Hill will talk about a new report on school- and district-level results for English Learner and low-income students.

This research was supported with funding from the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund.

Graduation Requirements
College preparatory coursework is now a graduation requirement in many of California’s large urban school districts—including Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and Oakland. Julian Betts, a PPIC adjunct fellow and a professor of economics at the University of California, San Diego, will outline a new report that examines the benefits and potential pitfalls of this reform.

blog post

Bridging Equity Gaps in Health Career Training

By Shannon McConville, Sarah Bohn, Bonnie Brooks

Efforts that enable community college students to devote more time to their studies can help erase ethnic/racial achievement gaps.


K–12 Reforms and California’s English Learner Achievement Gap

By Laura Hill

English Learner (EL) students have been a key part of California’s K–12 system for decades. They currently make up about 21 percent of the public school population. English Learner status is meant to be temporary, and indeed, reclassified English Learners (those who are deemed English proficient) are among the best-performing students in the state. But students who remain ELs for longer periods generally have poor outcomes.


Student Achievement and Growth on California’s K-12 Assessments

By Laura Hill, Iwunze Ugo

California’s school children did much better in the second year of new standardized tests. But a look at results for English Learners and economically disadvantaged students indicates that achievement gaps are not closing. Struggling districts may need more guidance from the state—they might also look to schools and districts that have had success with high-need students.

This research was supported with funding from the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund.

Fact Sheet

Student Achievement on California’s K–12 Assessments

By Iwunze Ugo, Emmanuel Prunty

The results from California’s 2022 Smarter Balanced Assessments suggest that pandemic disruptions to K–12 education reversed nearly six years of academic progress. Declines in proficiency were widespread, but there was substantial variation across grade levels and demographic groups.


High-Need Students and California’s New Assessments

By Laura Hill, Iwunze Ugo

The 2014–15 school year was the first in which the Smarter Balanced assessments (referred to here as the SBAC) were administered statewide. While educators and policymakers agree that multiple measures over multiple years are the best way to gauge student, school, and district performance, the first-year SBAC results provide an important baseline for assessing implementation of the Common Core State Standards and the Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs).

These results may also have implications for the evolution of accountability measures at the district and state levels—especially in relation to high-need students. The California State Board of Education has not yet devised a replacement for the Academic Performance Index (API), which was suspended in the 2014–15 school year. Districts have developed goals and measures in their LCAPs but the rubrics that state and the county offices of education will use are not yet in place. In the meantime, a close look at the results of the first year of testing can help us track achievement gaps between student groups and identify districts and schools with the largest tasks ahead.

One of the major goals of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) is to help districts address a long-standing achievement gap between high-need students—economically disadvantaged students and English Learners (ELs)—and other students. However, we find that the test score gap is larger for 4th-grade EL and economically disadvantaged students when measured with the SBAC than with the state’s prior assessment (the California Standards Test, or CST). Generally speaking, as the share of high-need students in a district or school increases, the proportion of students meeting the standards falls. However, when we compare results across demographically similar schools and districts, we find that some schools performed better than expected.

Results for English Learners are particularly useful for local and state policymakers as they implement new EL standards and consider how to revise reclassification standards. Notably, in a relatively large number of schools, no EL students scored at or above the standards for English language arts (ELA) and math. In the past, 30 percent of districts required ELs to meet the ELA standard on the CST to be reclassified.

Our main conclusion is that high-need students are far behind other student groups—indeed, they may be farther behind than we thought. Schools and districts can use this analysis to take stock of their implementation of the Common Core and their progress toward their LCAP goals for EL and economically disadvantaged students. And schools and districts with large gaps—especially those performing below expectations—can find examples of similar districts and schools that exceeded expectations.

blog post

New Reforms at California Community Colleges

By Olga Rodriguez

New reforms in California's community colleges could make placement policies more uniform and transparent, with potential to improve student outcomes and narrow achievement gaps.

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