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blog post

Voters Favor New Water Bond. What Are They Missing?

By Ellen Hanak, Mark Baldassare

The PPIC Statewide Survey finds strong support for an upcoming state water bond among California likely voters. But bonds have some significant shortcomings in addressing key water needs.

Fact Sheet

Paying for California’s Water System

By Caitrin Chappelle, Ellen Hanak, Annabelle Rosser

Most funding for California’s water system comes from local water bills and taxes. During droughts and recessions, revenues decline, making it harder for water agencies to keep up with needed investments.

blog post

Money Measures and the November Ballot

By Patrick Murphy, Jennifer Paluch, Radhika Mehlotra

Ballots across California in the November election featured 397 money-related questions, including taxes, bonds, and fees. Most of these measures passed (79%), though success rates varied across types of taxation or borrowing.

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