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The Impact of Expanding Public Preschool on Child Poverty in California

By Caroline Danielson, Tess Thorman

High-quality preschool has many benefits, such as promoting early skill development in young children and supporting work among parents. More investments in public preschool could also help reduce child poverty by subsidizing an important family expense.

Fact Sheet

Public Preschools in California

By Caroline Danielson, Tess Thorman

Most parents of young children work, but public preschool programs are fragmented and currently unable to serve all who are eligible. Improvements will require a multipronged approach.


Setting the Stage for Universal Preschool

By Laura Hill, Emmanuel Prunty

As the state expands its Transitional Kindergarten program, one key issue is whether access will be equitable. While the current program serves many Dual Language Learners and Latino children, some other student groups appear underenrolled. Ensuring that all elementary schools and districts offer the program is critical to improve access going forward.

blog post

Concerned about Costs, Most Californians Support Universal Preschool

By Dean Bonner

An overwhelming majority of Californians say that the affordability of preschool is at least somewhat of a problem. A similar share says the state should fund voluntary preschool programs for all four-year-olds, though views vary across party lines.

blog post

Video: Setting the Stage for Universal Preschool

By Vicki Hsieh

PPIC researcher Emmanuel Prunty presents new findings on access to Transitional Kindergarten (TK) across diverse student groups, and an expert panel discusses how to ensure an equitable expansion of TK.


Preschool and School Readiness: Experiences of Children with Non-English-Speaking Parents

By Jill Cannon, Alison Jacknowitz, Lynn A. Karoly

How can preschool help children become better prepared for kindergarten? This report examines the relationship of childcare experiences and kindergarten academic skills of four-year-old children. It finds that children attending center-based care significantly improve their early reading skills — including noticeable gains among those whose parents do not speak English.

This project was supported with funding from The David and Lucile Packard Foundation and The Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund.

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