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Drought Watch: Improving Environmental Management

By Ellen Hanak, Jeffrey Mount

This is part of a continuing series on the impact of the drought.

California needs to modernize how we manage water for the environment during droughts, which pose a broad ecological challenge to California’s fish and wildlife.


Policy Priorities for Managing Drought

By Ellen Hanak, Jay Lund, Jeffrey Mount, Peter Moyle ...

State, federal, and local water managers have worked diligently to reduce the economic, social, and environmental harm from the current drought. But as the drought continues, the challenges will grow more acute. California can learn from experiences to date—and from Australia’s response to its Millennium Drought—to better prepare both for the year ahead and for future droughts. State leaders should address weaknesses in four areas of drought preparation and response, by: 1) improving water use information, 2) setting clear goals and priorities for public health and the environment, 3) promoting water conservation and more resilient water supplies, and 4) strengthening environmental management.


Storing Water for the Environment

By Sarah Null, Jeffrey Mount, Brian Gray, Kristen Dybala ...

Large reservoirs are essential for managing water in California’s highly variable climate—but over the years, the construction and operation of these reservoirs have had significant environmental costs. Our new research outlines how reservoir operations could be changed to improve the health of the state’s fragile freshwater ecosystems.


Managing Water for the Environment During Drought: Lessons from Victoria, Australia

By Jeffrey Mount, Brian Gray, Caitrin Chappelle, Nathaniel Seavy ...

Drought management tools developed to sustain Australia’s environment during a decade-long drought are broadly applicable in California and could help the state’s water managers reduce the devastating effects of water scarcity on native species and ecosystems. This report identifies four broad areas of reform that could improve how the state allocates environmental water during dry times, and reduce conflict over the use of water for environmental purposes.

This research was supported with funding from The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the US Environmental Protection Agency, and the Water Foundation, an initiative of the Resources Legacy Fund.

blog post

Commentary: Newsom’s Water Strategy Needs to Go a Step Further

By Sarah Null, Jeffrey Mount

Dams are essential to managing California’s water supply, but their construction and operation has harmed freshwater ecosystems. We propose a novel approach to water management that treats the environment as a priority rather than a constraint on reservoir operations—and that may help to manage growing threats to the health of our rivers and estuaries.

blog post

A Water Budget for the Environment

By Jeffrey Mount

California’s freshwater ecosystems are in decline and becoming increasingly vulnerable to drought. Allocating water budgets for the environment would help.

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