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Modernizing California’s Education Data System

By Jacob Jackson, Kevin Cook

Unlike most other states, California lacks a data system that can follow students from K–12 schools to college and into the workforce. Linking data across sectors would help policymakers and educational leaders promote student success and institutional effectiveness.

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Video: Modernizing California’s Education Data System

By Mary Severance

With new state leadership about to take over in Sacramento, the time may be right for an integrated data system that can help policymakers, educators, and students monitor educational progress and outcomes.

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The Year Ahead in Higher Education

By Hans Johnson

Last year brought historic disruptions to California’s colleges and universities. In 2021, how can policymakers and higher education officials draw on lessons learned during the pandemic while building on progress that was underway prior to COVID-19?

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A New Look at College Enrollment Rates

By Jacob Jackson, Paul Warren

New data from the California Department of Education show notable disparities in college enrollment across racial/ethnic groups and throughout the state’s regions—including within school districts.

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Integrating California’s Education Data

By Jacob Jackson, Hans Johnson

PPIC’s California Education Data Collaborative is working to inform state efforts to establish a cradle-to-career data system.

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