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California’s Natural Resource Programs: Where Does the Money Come From and Where Does It Go?

By Fred Silva

This report analyzes natural resource priorities by reviewing program expenditures and revenues between fiscal years 1978-79 and 2000-01. It finds that, with the exception of 2000-2001, the percentage of total state spending directed to natural resources has been declining. It also finds that, until 1999, allocations for resource conservation grew compared to those devoted to resource development and resource-related public safety. Finally, the data show that general fund allocations for natural resource programs declined over the study period, but that this funding was largely replaced by special funds earmarked for specific purposes.


Replenishing Groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley

Groundwater recharge has emerged as an important way to replenish the San Joaquin Valley’s dwindling aquifers, particularly under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. Last year, we asked dozens of urban and agricultural water managers to tell us how recharge was going—a reboot of our 2017 survey. How much progress has been made, and what’s needed next? Join us for a presentation of our findings and a panel discussion.

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A New Tool Could Help Protect 30% of the State’s Waters by 2030

By Sarah Bardeen

California has set an ambitious goal of protecting 30% of the state’s lands and waters by 2030. We spoke with CalTrout’s legal and policy director Redgie Collins about a promising but underutilized tool that could help protect water bodies throughout the state: The Outstanding Natural Resource Waters designation.

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Video: Stewarding California’s Wet Years

By Sarah Bardeen

Wet weather brought relief to our parched state last winter. And while full reservoirs are great, is there room to improve California’s wet year management? At our fall conference last week, three panels of experts gave a resounding yes—and then offered insights on how to improve. Read our recap!

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