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Fact Sheet

Race and Voting in California

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Alyssa Dykman, Rachel Lawler

Latinos, Asian Americans, and African Americans are less likely to vote than whites.

Fact Sheet

California’s Likely Voters

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Lauren Mora, Deja Thomas

Among California’s likely voters—registered voters who cast ballots frequently and are politically engaged—48% report that they are Democrats, while 26% are Republicans, 24% are independents, and 2% are registered with other parties.

blog post

How Has Party Voting Changed in California?

By Eric McGhee

As part of an ongoing series celebrating PPIC's 30th anniversary, policy director and senior fellow Eric McGhee looks at shifts in Californians’ voting patterns over the past three decades.


How Greater Vote-by-Mail Influences California Voter Turnout

By Eric McGhee, Jennifer Paluch, Mindy Romero

With COVID-19 threatening the November election, many states are working to increase voting by mail. In California, 15 counties have already expanded alternatives to in-person voting, and while overall voter turnout was higher, groups such as foreign-language and young voters sometimes saw declines. Outreach by trusted messengers may help in targeting low-turnout groups.


California’s Missing Voters: Who Is Not Voting and Why

By Eric McGhee

Despite an uptick in voter registration and turnout for last year’s election, California’s long-term trends in voter participation are disappointing. Mobilizing key groups—especially Latinos, Asian Americans, and young people—will be crucial to ensure future civic engagement in the state.

Fact Sheet

California Voter and Party Profiles

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Lauren Mora, Deja Thomas

Nearly half of California’s registered voters are Democrats, and independent registration has declined over the past few years. Six in ten Republican likely voters are older adults; a majority of Democrats are women; and half of independents are college graduates.


Vote-by-Mail and Voter Turnout in the Pandemic Election

By Eric McGhee, Jennifer Paluch, Mindy Romero

Many states changed their policies to increase voting by mail and reduce the risk from COVID-19 during the 2020 election. In California, officials took extra steps to facilitate vote-by-mail and accommodate in-person voting. This report analyzes how these policy shifts affected voter turnout in California and the nation.

blog post

Special Elections Preview Fall Voting during COVID-19

By Eric McGhee, Jennifer Paluch

Two recent special elections in California provide insights into how the state might use vote-by-mail in combination with in-person options to ensure the November 2020 election is both safe and fair.

blog post

Californians Like Voting on Environmental Issues

By Mark Baldassare

According to a new PPIC Statewide Survey, Californians value their ability to vote on environmental issues—and are so far unsupportive of a referendum on new oil wells that will appear on next year's ballot.

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