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California Counts, Report

Emergency Department Care in California: Who Uses It and Why?

By Helen Lee, Shannon McConville

Californians make more than 10 million visits to hospital emergency departments annually. Many of these could be avoided with timely care from family physicians or outpatient clinics. This issue of California Counts presents a comprehensive portrait of emergency department care from several perspectives. Among its findings: The Central Valley and Los Angeles are home to some of the most crowded emergency departments in the state; patients with Medi-Cal coverage visit emergency departments more than do the uninsured; and Hispanics and Asians are less like to use emergency care than whites.

blog post

Video: Emergency Department Use in California

By Mary Severance

A recent PPIC event featured a new report, along with an expert panel, on how the expansion of health coverage under the federal Affordable Care Act has affected emergency department use in the state.

blog post

Emergency Departments and the Affordable Care Act

By Shannon McConville

Frequent visits to the emergency department can mean patients have few medical care options. Under the ACA, frequent emergency department use fell for Medi-Cal patients.


Emergency Department Use in California

Hospital emergency departments are a critical part of our health care system—and have -long been a focus of policy discussions on effectively managing resources. How has emergency department use in California changed in recent years? Did the Affordable Care Act affect usage patterns? PPIC researcher Shannon McConville will outline findings from a new report, and a panel of experts will discuss challenges and opportunities for improving health care and managing costs.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: How Hospital Discharge Data Can Inform State Homelessness Policy

By Shannon McConville, Hemal Kanzaria, Renee Hsia, Maria Raven ...

As the only guaranteed source of health care open around the clock, hospital emergency departments (EDs) are at the frontlines of serving Californians who are homeless. Linking discharge data from ED visits with data from local and state resources may help policymakers understand and respond to the needs of California’s homeless population.

blog post

Emergency Room Use and the ACA

By Shannon McConville

Newly released state data provides a first glimpse of the impact of the Affordable Care Act on hospital emergency departments.


How Hospital Discharge Data Can Inform State Homelessness Policy

By Shannon McConville, Hemal Kanzaria, Renee Hsia, Maria Raven

Discharge data from emergency departments provide information on where people experiencing homelessness go for hospital care and on the conditions for which they are treated. If linked with data from homeless assistance programs and safety net services, this information can help policymakers make targeted investments and evaluate outcomes.

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