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blog post

Californians and the Gas Tax Repeal

By Alyssa Dykman

Californians are divided on repealing the gas tax that is estimated to raise billions for repairing roads, highways, bridges, and mass transit.

blog post

Gas Prices Stretch Family Budgets

By Sarah Bohn, Daniel Payares-Montoya

California has recently seen its highest average gas price on record. Combined with higher prices in other key budget areas, rising gas prices pose a challenge for households around the state, especially those with lower incomes.

blog post

Californians and Their Tax Burden

By Dean Bonner

Many Californians express concerns about the system of state and local taxes—regarding both its overall fairness and how much they pay—with views differing widely along partisan lines.

blog post

Video: A Conversation with Congressman Kevin McCarthy

By Mary Severance

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and PPIC president Mark Baldassare had a wide-ranging conversation about the relationship between California and the federal government in several areas, including tax reform, immigration, health care, water policy, wildfire management, and fuel emissions standards.

blog post

Video: Travis Allen’s Priorities

Travis Allen, assemblymember and candidate for governor, says his top three priorities are cutting taxes, getting tough on crime, and fixing roads and expanding freeways.

blog post

Video: Countdown to the Primary

Gavin Newsom and Antonio Villaraigosa are the top two candidates in the June primary for governor. But 24 percent of likely voters are still undecided.

blog post

Californians and the Carbon Tax

By Mark Baldassare

Some policymakers are having second thoughts about the cap-and trade program and are reconsidering a carbon tax on companies for their greenhouse gas emissions. What do Californians think?

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