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Parcel Taxes as a Local Revenue Source in California

By Jon Sonstelie

Local government authority is growing in corrections, school funding, and other areas in California, putting pressure on localities to diversify revenue sources. As a result, the parcel tax may become an increasingly important fiscal tool in the state.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Donald Bren Foundation.

At Issue, Report

Parcel Taxes for Education in California

By Eric McGhee, Margaret Weston

The state legislature is considering a lower passage threshold for the parcel tax, which is one of only a few local revenue-raising options for California school districts. A lower threshold would increase the passage rate, but would it encourage a greater number of districts to put parcel taxes on the ballot? This report contextualizes the proposal and assesses its potential impact on school funding.

This research was supported with funding from the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation.

blog post

LAUSD’s Measure EE and the Parcel Tax Vote Threshold

By Patrick Murphy, Jennifer Paluch

Los Angeles voters are considering a local parcel tax, while the legislature explores a constitutional amendment that would lower the vote threshold for such measures in the future.


Parcel Taxes and Other Local Revenue Sources in California

About the Program
California has been pushing policy decisionmaking to the local level. New local authority will mean new expectations about services, with implications for local revenues. PPIC Bren Fellow Jon Sonstelie provides an overview of his report on parcel taxes as one revenue option. His presentation will be followed by a panel discussion about the future of local taxes.

This research was supported with funding from the Donald Bren Foundation.

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