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Fact Sheet

Crime Trends in California

By Magnus Lofstrom, Brandon Martin

Violent crime in California has ticked up in recent years, with a pronounced increase in incidents involving guns since 2019. Property crime has also risen steadily statewide, and rates now stand slightly above pre-pandemic levels in 2019.


Crime after Proposition 47 and the Pandemic

By Magnus Lofstrom, Brandon Martin

After some drug and property felonies were reclassified as misdemeanors under Proposition 47, incarceration fell—as did arrests for these crimes. But Prop 47 may not be the most important change to California criminal justice in recent years; pandemic interventions also had lasting effects. A new report examines the impact of both on incarceration, enforcement, and crime.


The Impact of Proposition 47 on Crime and Recidivism

By Mia Bird, Magnus Lofstrom, Brandon Martin, Steven Raphael

Passed by voters in November 2014, Proposition 47 brought broad and significant changes to California’s criminal justice system. Undertaken in the wake of public safety realignment in 2011, Proposition 47 reduced the penalties for certain lower-level drug and property offenses and represented a further step in prioritizing prison and jail space for higher-level offenders.

blog post

A Large Proportion of Crime Goes Unsolved in California

By Magnus Lofstrom

California’s clearance rates—the shares of reported crimes for which police make an arrest and refer the arrestee to prosecution—are better than those nationwide. Still, statewide less than half of violent crimes and only one in ten property crimes are cleared.

blog post

Concerns about Crime Are Up, Views of Police Are Down

By Deja Thomas

The share of Californians saying that violence and street crime is a problem in their community has increased from a year ago, and the share saying that the police are doing an excellent or good job controlling crime has declined. Views on crime and policing vary notably across demographic groups, including by race and ethnicity.

blog post

Testimony: Crime Trends in California

By Magnus Lofstrom

As legislators prepare to consider the state budget, the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee took a broad look at public safety realignment at a hearing this week. The committee invited PPIC research fellow Magnus Lofstrom to testify about the impact of this major change in corrections policy on crime in California.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Crime after Proposition 47 and the Pandemic

By Magnus Lofstrom, Brandon Martin, Stephanie Barton

Some property crime went up after California implemented Proposition 47 and as the state adapted to the pandemic, especially car break-ins, auto theft, and burglary. A decrease in drug arrests—in the wake of Prop 47 crime reclassifications and due to pandemic circumstances—is not linked to higher violent or property crime.

blog post

Video: Crime after Proposition 47 and the Pandemic

By Stephanie Barton

PPIC researchers Magnus Lofstrom and Brandon Martin discuss a new report that examines the impact of both Proposition 47, a set of criminal justice reforms enacted ten years ago, and pandemic reductions in incarceration and enforcement.

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