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Parcel Taxes as a Local Revenue Source in California

By Jon Sonstelie

Local government authority is growing in corrections, school funding, and other areas in California, putting pressure on localities to diversify revenue sources. As a result, the parcel tax may become an increasingly important fiscal tool in the state.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Donald Bren Foundation.


Subsidizing Redevelopment in California

By Michael Dardia

In California, redevelopment agencies (RDAs) receive about 8 percent of the property taxes collected in the state annually—a percentage that amounted to 1.5 billion in 1993-1994. In a state where local governments are severely constrained by tax limits, this allotment of tax revenues to RDAs has become a matter of intense policy debate. The rationale for the RDAs receiving the property tax revenues is that the agencies’ improvements in the redevelopment area lead to increases in property tax assessments. However, other forces could be contributing to a general rise in local real estate values. The volume explores the purposes of RDAs, their incentives, and how they operate. To illuminate the policy debate, it focuses primarily on the tax revenue issues, estimating for the first time how much of the tax revenue RDAs receive is actually the result of their effect on property values.

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Is SGMA Compatible with Farmland Preservation?

By Annabelle Rosser

The implementation of SGMA will prompt land use transitions throughout the San Joaquin Valley, raising questions about how the state's chief agricultural preservation policy - the Williamson Act - will come into play. Many alternate uses are likely to be compatible with the program, while others - namely solar – are more complex.

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