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Managing Wastewater in a Changing Climate

By Caitrin Chappelle, Henry McCann, David Jassby, Kurt Schwabe

California’s wastewater sector helps protect public health and the environment. It is also the source of recycled water. But climate change is bringing water scarcity and other pressures to the sector. Shifts in policy and planning can help prepare the sector for a more volatile future.

blog post

Video: Managing Wastewater in a Changing Climate

By Lori Pottinger

California’s wastewater sector is at a turning point as climate change increases the risks of water scarcity. PPIC researchers and a panel of experts explore how the sector can adapt to a more volatile future.

Fact Sheet

Paying for California’s Water System

By Caitrin Chappelle, Ellen Hanak, Annabelle Rosser

Most funding for California’s water system comes from local water bills and taxes. During droughts and recessions, revenues decline, making it harder for water agencies to keep up with needed investments.

blog post

Water Management’s High-Tech Future

By Lori Pottinger

California’s urban water managers face some daunting challenges. We explore cutting edge advances to improve how cities manage water in an interview with Newsha Ajami.

blog post

The Virus Detectives: Tracking COVID-19 in Bay Area Wastewater

By Lori Pottinger

Public health officials are struggling to keep up with testing and monitoring of COVID-19. Wastewater can provide a window into outbreaks. We talked to Eileen White of EBMUD about the agency’s role in tracking the spread of the virus.

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