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What Happens to Families When They Leave Welfare?

By Thomas E. MaCurdy, Margaret O’Brien-Strain, Grecia Marrufo

More than 1.4 million people left California's welfare rolls between August 1996 and September 2001. Although this dramatic decline in the caseload in the early years following welfare reform was seen by some as heralding the triumph of the new rules, others saw it as an alarm bell regarding the well-being of former welfare recipients. This report presents the findings of telephone surveys conducted in the late 1990s among one-parent and two parent families approximately 6 months and 12 months after they left welfare. The report presents snapshots of how well these families are doing during each of these periods, describing the families' economic security, use of public assistance, and difficulties encountered in maintaining employment and coping with adverse conditions. In addition to comparing circumstances over time, the report also identifies factors that might predict a return to welfare and other poor outcomes for families.


Child Poverty and the Social Safety Net in California

By Caroline Danielson, Sarah Bohn

Because economic hardship is associated with a host of adverse outcomes, particularly for children, policies that can give children a better start in life are especially important. This report focuses on measuring material hardship among children across the state. Using the California Poverty Measure—which accounts for both family earnings and safety net resources and adjusts for work expenses and housing costs—we find that one-quarter of California’s children are in poverty. An additional 26 percent of children live in households that are "near poor,” or somewhat above what is often referred to as the poverty line. In short, about half of California’s children are poor or near-poor. Poverty rates, earnings, and the role of safety net resources all vary by region. But most poor children live in "working poor” families, with one or more working adults. And, without resources from the social safety net—which includes the federal Earned Income Tax Credit, CalFresh (California’s food stamp program), CalWORKs (California’s welfare program), and housing subsidies—there would be far more children in poverty throughout California.


Expensive Children in Poor Families: The Intersection of Childhood Disabilities and Welfare

By Marcia K. Meyers, Henry E. Brady, Eva Y. Seto

Although disabilities affect children of all income groups, poor children are far more likely to suffer from them.  In this study, Marcia K. Meyers, Henry E. Brady, and Eva Y. Seto provide important new estimates of the private costs and public effects of childhood disabilities among welfare recipients.  Based on over 2,000 interviews with household heads in Los Angeles, Alameda, San Joaquin, and San Bernardino Counties, their estimates cover direct expenditures by families and indirect costs due to employment reductions.  They also examine participation rates in public assistance programs and estimate the likelihood that families with disabled children will exit these programs to independence.  They conclude that public assistance may be an essential part of an income-packaging strategy for many of these families.


The Impact of Health Insurance on Poverty in California

By Caroline Danielson, Patricia Malagon, Shannon McConville

The Affordable Care Act has helped millions of Californians gain health insurance over the past decade. In addition to improving access to care, the ACA has increased financial well-being. This analysis focuses on the significant contribution of publicly funded health coverage—particularly Medi-Cal—to family resources across the state.

Fact Sheet

Income Inequality in California

By Tess Thorman, Daniel Payares-Montoya

California’s income gap narrowed in 2022, but the disparity between high and low incomes is wider in California than in most other states. Over the longer term, income inequality has been driven by earnings growth among college-educated workers.


Who Will Be Affected by Welfare Reform in California?

By Thomas E. MaCurdy, Margaret O’Brien-Strain

This volume provides a comprehensive profile of welfare use in California. The authors examine the changes imposed by the 1996 federal reform legislation, identify and describe those who receive public assistance in California and the extent to which they rely on such assistance, and explore how those who will be most seriously affected by the reforms differ from other welfare recipients and the working poor. This is the first time this type of analysis has been undertaken for California. It has two unique features. First, it uses families and family income to develop a picture that more truly reflects the economic situation of welfare recipients. Second, it considers the total income a family may be receiving from different welfare programs and in periods on and off welfare.

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