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A Path Forward for California’s Freshwater Ecosystems

By Jeffrey Mount, Brian Gray, Karrigan Bork, James Cloern ...

California’s freshwater ecosystems are under pressure and its aquatic biodiversity is in decline. The state needs a new approach to protect the many beneficial uses these ecosystems provide. This report describes a way to manage the state’s freshwater ecosystems—called “ecosystem-based management”—that can improve conditions for native biodiversity and human uses, and increase resilience to climate change.

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Managing Freshwater Ecosystems in a Pandemic

By Jeffrey Mount

Efforts to maintain the health of California’s freshwater ecosystems have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet maintaining momentum on this work is key to reducing the impact of a hotter, drier climate.

blog post

Video: Improving the Health of California’s Freshwater Ecosystems

By Lori Pottinger, Ashlyn Perri

California’s freshwater ecosystems are in poor health, and the current approach for managing them is not working. Jeff Mount, senior fellow at the PPIC Water Policy Center, describes a path for improving their condition to protect the benefits they bring.

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State’s Ecosystems Face a Flood of Changes

By Lori Pottinger

Talk of drought has turned to worries about floods. How will the state’s drought-starved ecosystems adapt to the taps being turned on again? An expert interview with Josh Viers.

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Ecosystems Need Groundwater Too

By Lori Pottinger

Which of California’s ecosystems are particularly dependent on groundwater and can we help them cope with dropping water levels?

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