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blog post

Crisis Communication Suffers During Natural Disasters

By Jeffrey Mount

Walloped by a series of atmospheric rivers, California is grappling with an unfolding natural disaster. In any disaster, communication is key—but this past weekend, our senior fellow Jeff Mount gained firsthand experience of some of the challenges facing our fractured communication systems.

blog post

Providing Safe Drinking Water in the Face of Disasters: Lessons from Lake County

By Jelena Jezdimirovic

Small, rural communities with ongoing drinking water challenges are especially vulnerable to greater extremes brought on by a warming climate. We interviewed Jan Coppinger of Lake County Special Districts about how local water agencies have dealt with a string of natural disasters.

blog post

State’s Ecosystems Face a Flood of Changes

By Lori Pottinger

Talk of drought has turned to worries about floods. How will the state’s drought-starved ecosystems adapt to the taps being turned on again? An expert interview with Josh Viers.

blog post

Could Wildfires Affect the 2020 Census?

By Sarah Bohn, Tess Thorman

Among their many devastating long-term effects, disasters may elevate the risk of undercounting some communities in the upcoming census.


Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

PPIC’s latest survey examines Californians’ views on economic issues, such as inflation and the state budget situation. It also looks at approval of state and federal elected officials, concerns about natural disasters, and opinions on immigration policies. Survey analyst Rachel Lawler will present key findings and discuss takeaways with survey analyst Deja Thomas.

blog post

How Climate Change Drives Disaster Cascades

By Lori Pottinger

California has had a devastating series of natural disasters in recent years. We talked to Amir AghaKouchak of UC Irvine about how climate change amplifies natural hazards.

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