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Are California’s Schools Ready for Online Testing and Learning?

By Niu Gao

In addition to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), California is implementing a new, online assessment system: the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). Field tests were conducted last spring and the system is being rolled out this year, amid concerns about whether schools are technologically prepared. Using survey data from the California Educational Technology Professionals Association (CETPA), this report examines school districts’ technology infrastructure and assesses their readiness for online testing. Three findings emerge. First, school districts express confidence in the quantity and quality of their hardware and network capabilities but remain concerned about software and training of instructional and IT staff. Second, there is sizable variation in readiness across districts, linked mainly to student enrollment and district expenditure levels. Third, a clear majority of the state’s onetime CCSS Implementation Fund is going into non-technology spending such as instructional materials and teacher training. Regardless of their current readiness, districts will need targeted and ongoing support to upgrade and maintain their technology infrastructure. In the longer term, virtually all schools will need to upgrade their technology infrastructure in order to adopt and benefit from digital learning.


Are California’s Schools Ready for Online Testing and Learning?

About the Program
California is rolling out online tests that are aligned with the Common Core standards. How prepared are school districts around the state? In the longer term, will California schools be ready to benefit fully from digital learning? PPIC researcher Niu Gao will outline her findings on district readiness for online testing and learning.

This research was supported with funding from the Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund.


California’s K–12 Test Scores: What Can the Available Data Tell Us?

By Paul Warren

California’s K–12 system relies on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) English and mathematics tests to measure student academic progress and assess school and district performance. This report uses publicly available data to explore trends in student performance during the first three years this test has been in place.

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Students Prepare for AP Exams during COVID-19

By Niu Gao

Students who are less economically advantaged and those with special educational needs could face challenges in preparing for and taking AP tests this year.

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How California’s Digital Divide Affects Students

By Courtney Lee, Justin Goss, Niu Gao

Although most K-12 schools have reliable internet access, certain groups of students—such as African American and Latino students and those in low-income households—are less likely than others to have reliable access at home.

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Why Students Found New Tests Tough

By Paul Warren, Rebecca London

There are a variety of explanations for why California students did not do as well on the new standardized tests.

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