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Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Drought and California’s Agriculture

By Alvar Escriva-Bou, Josué Medellín-Azuara, Ellen Hanak, John Abatzoglou

California’s agricultural sector is the nation’s largest: it generates more than $50 billion dollars in annual revenue and employs more than 420,000 people. The ongoing drought is taking a toll on agriculture, related sectors, and rural communities, but there are ways to increase resilience in a warming world.

Fact Sheet

Groundwater in California

By Kyle Greenspan, Spencer Cole, Caitlin Peterson

Groundwater is a vital, but threatened, component of California’s water supply. Learn more about this important resource!

Fact Sheet

Droughts in California

By Jeffrey Mount, Alvar Escriva-Bou, Gokce Sencan

California is highly prone to droughts, and climate change makes them worse. This fact sheet describes key challenges to managing dry times.

blog post

Reducing Drought Risks in Rural Communities

By Alvar Escriva-Bou

California’s rural communities are disproportionately exposed to drinking water shortages during drought. Improved planning efforts can help.

blog post

Measuring Groundwater Overdraft in the Sacramento Valley

By Spencer Cole, Kyle Greenspan, Andrew Ayres

As the Sacramento Valley works to bring its groundwater basins into balance, we review the valley’s groundwater sustainability plans to understand how they’re estimating overdraft in their basins—and to see just how much overpumping they found.

blog post

Learning the Language of Groundwater

By Lori Pottinger

Managing groundwater sustainably is a complex topic. Knowing the language is key to engaging in the conversation. This glossary can get you started.

blog post

New Water Laws Address Groundwater, Marijuana

By Caitrin Chappelle, Henry McCann

Two recent bill packages took important steps toward improving groundwater management and reducing the negative environmental impacts of marijuana farming.

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