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blog post

Where California Stands with Women in the Legislature

By Jennifer Paluch

Following the 2020 election, women will account for about one-third of California’s state legislators—as they did before the election. This is a smaller share than in neighboring states.

blog post

Multiple Challenges for Women in the COVID-19 Economy

By Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Julien Lafortune

The pandemic and resulting economic downturn have had a disproportionate effect on women, many of whom must balance work, caregiving responsibilities, and health concerns.

blog post

A Closer Look at Women’s Arrest Rates

By Magnus Lofstrom, Justin Goss, Joseph Hayes, Brandon Martin

A recent PPIC report found that while arrest rates in California have declined for both men and women since 1980, they have dropped significantly more for men than for women.

blog post

College Gender Gap Starts Early and Extends across Races

By Hans Johnson, Daniel Payares-Montoya, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

Along every step of the educational pathway from 9th grade to college completion, women fare better than men. The college gender gap has far-reaching consequences for young men’s economic prospects, especially for those from underrepresented racial/ethnic groups.

Fact Sheet

California’s Prison Population

By Joseph Hayes, Justin Goss, Heather Harris, Alexandria Gumbs

Many of California’s inmates live in overcrowded conditions, despite successful efforts to stabilize the prison population systemwide. This fact sheet provides a snapshot of the state’s prisons, highlighting the most current information on racial disparities, health costs, and other key issues.

blog post

Video: Women and the Pandemic Economy

By Vicki Hsieh

An expert panel discusses the ongoing struggles women face in balancing work, family, and health—and steps that can be taken to support working women.

blog post

The Economic Toll of COVID-19 on Women

By Sarah Bohn, Dean Bonner, Vicki Hsieh, Julien Lafortune

The current downturn has created a gender divide in un- and underemployment in California, with an especially large impact on low-income women and women of color.

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