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blog post

Californians and the Gas Tax Repeal

By Alyssa Dykman

Californians are divided on repealing the gas tax that is estimated to raise billions for repairing roads, highways, bridges, and mass transit.

blog post

A Momentous Water Year

By Ellen Hanak

The year in review at the PPIC Water Policy Center by center director Ellen Hanak.

blog post

A Cautionary Tale for Fiscal Reformers

By Mark Baldassare

Given the widespread support for the idea of a rainy day fund in earlier PPIC polls, why is Proposition 2 struggling to achieve majority support?

blog post

Who Likes Proposition 13?

By Mark Baldassare

Proposition 13’s supporters are shaping our fiscal choices today—even though many were not old enough to vote when the measure passed 36 years ago.

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