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California’s Water: Climate Change and Water

By Ellen Hanak, Jay Lund, Jeffrey Mount, Robert Wilkinson ...

California’s climate is warming and becoming more variable. While the state is a leader in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, its water system was designed for a 20th century climate. All facets of water management must be updated to adapt to changing conditions. This brief summarizes strategies to help the state prepare for a changing climate and rising sea level.

Fact Sheet

California’s Businesses

By Shannon McConville, Jane Sawerengera, Sarah Bohn

Most California businesses are small, and most Californians are employed by small businesses. About 28% of the state’s businesses are family owned. Business ownership does not mirror California’s demographic makeup.


California Poverty by County and Legislative District

These interactive maps show average poverty rates from the first quarter of 2023 for counties, congressional districts, state senate districts, and state assembly districts, according to the California Poverty Measure (CPM).

Fact Sheet

California’s Likely Voters

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Rachel Lawler, Deja Thomas

Likely voters lean Democratic and are ideologically mixed. They also tend to be whiter, older, more educated, and more affluent than adults overall.

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