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More Students Are Earning STEM Degrees

By Hans Johnson, Sergio Sanchez

In a changing economy, the number of students graduating with a bachelor’s degree in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) has risen dramatically in California.

blog post

Video: The Future of Higher Education Enrollment in California

By Mary Severance

PPIC senior fellow Hans Johnson details a new report on the future of enrollment across UC, CSU, community colleges, and private nonprofit colleges and discusses key implications for California's education system and the state's workforce.

blog post

The Year Ahead in Higher Education

By Hans Johnson

Last year brought historic disruptions to California’s colleges and universities. In 2021, how can policymakers and higher education officials draw on lessons learned during the pandemic while building on progress that was underway prior to COVID-19?


Higher Education in California: Expanding College Access

By Hans Johnson, Sarah Bohn, Jacob Jackson, Olga Rodriguez

Access to college is essential to California’s future growth. More California high school graduates are academically ready for college than ever before. More are applying to and enrolling in college. But many qualified applicants are still being turned away.

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