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blog post

Video: Californians and Their Government

By Stephanie Barton

PPIC researcher Dean Bonner discusses new statewide survey findings that show majority support for US sanctions against Russian—even if it means higher energy prices—and widespread concern about affording housing expenses.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Alyssa Dykman, Rachel Lawler

Key findings from the current survey include: Many Californians are concerned about getting COVID-19 and needing hospitalization, while one in three report job loss due to the coronavirus pandemic. Governor Newsom's approval rating is up, though Californians are split on his budget and most oppose tax increases. An overwhelming majority of likely voters support expanding vote-by-mail. Among Californians, the president’s approval rating is low but stable. Trust in the federal government remains low.

blog post

Californians and the Presidential Debate

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Alyssa Dykman, Rachel Lawler

California residents express a high level of interest in tomorrow’s presidential debate. What does this say about the state’s political landscape as the 2020 election approaches?

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Education

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Lauren Mora, Deja Thomas

As the California Legislature considers placing a school facilities bond on the November 2024 ballot, around half of likely voters say they would vote yes on such a measure. About eight in ten public school parents see catching up academically or addressing the pandemic’s social-emotional impact as the biggest K–12 challenge.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Special Survey on the Environment

By Mark Baldassare

Some findings of the current survey

  • 86% of California adults believe that global warming will affect current or future generations. 57% believe the effects are already being felt.
  • 62% identify human activities as the primary cause of global warning. Only 22% say naturally occurring increases in temperature are responsible.
    • More residents trust the state government (52%) than the federal government (43%) to provide correct information about the condition of the environment.
      • A majority (54%) believe that the state government, apart from the federal government, should address the issues of global warming.
        • 38% of Californians say they approve of President Bush’s performance in office. Fewer approve of his handling of environmental (32%) and energy (29%) issues.
          • A majority of state residents (56%) oppose new oil drilling in federally-protected areas such as the Alaskan wilderness and remain opposed (53%) to allowing more oil drilling off the California coast.

              This is the 57th PPIC Statewide Survey and the second in a special three-year series supported by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The intent of this special series is to raise public awareness, inform decisionmakers, and stimulate public discussion about environment, education, and population issues facing the state. The current survey focuses in particular on public perceptions, policy preferences, and personal choices relating to air quality and energy-related issues.

            blog post

            Early Support and High Hopes for President Joe Biden

            By Mark Baldassare

            Strong majorities of Californians approve of how President Biden is handling his job and think he will be able to work with Congress to accomplish a lot in the next year. But views are split along partisan lines.

            Statewide Survey

            PPIC Statewide Survey: Special Survey on Californians and the Initiative Process

            By Mark Baldassare

            Some findings of the current survey

            • 54% of likely voters consider the special election a bad idea.
            • As the election approaches, none of the measures actively supported by Governor Schwarzenegger enjoys majority support among likely voters:
              • Proposition 74 (teacher tenure), 46% yes, 48% no
              • Proposition 75 (use of union dues), 46% yes, 46% no
              • Proposition 76 (spending and funding limits), 30% yes, 62% no
              • Proposition 77 (redistricting), 36% yes, 50% no
            • Approval ratings of public officials among all Californians:
              • Governor Schwarzenegger, 33% approve, 58% disapprove
              • California Legislature, 25% approve, 56% disapprove
              • President Bush, 36% approve, 60% disapprove
              • U.S. Congress, 42% approve, 46% disapprove
              • Senator Feinstein, 50% approve, 27% disapprove
              • Senator Boxer, 48% approve, 29% disapprove
            • Likely voters are very unhappy with the federal government:
              • 74% have little or no confidence in the federal government to do what is right
              • 69% believe that the federal government wastes a lot of tax dollars.

            This is the 60th PPIC Statewide Survey and the third in a series of three surveys focusing on Californians and the initiative process, as well as state and national issues. This special survey series is funded by The James Irvine Foundation.

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