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Last Week’s Storm: the Good, the Bad, and the Inconclusive

By Jeffrey Mount

The storm of October 24th broke one-day precipitation records throughout Northern California, but did this unusually intense atmospheric river lead to significant changes in our drought picture? PPIC Water Policy Center senior fellow Jeffrey Mount explains what the storm did—and didn’t—do for the state.

blog post

Introducing the 2022–23 PPIC CalTrout Ecosystem Fellows

By Sarah Bardeen

Each year, our PPIC CalTrout Ecosystem fellows help turn science into action by improving water management in California. This year, we’re pleased to announce we’ve chosen three journalists to report on community involvement in restoration efforts on a trio of critical but under-reported rivers: the Eel, the San Joaquin, and Trabuco Creek. Join us in welcoming this year’s fellows!

blog post

Can We Capture More Water in the Delta?

By Sarah Bardeen

A massive amount of water is moving through the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta in the wake of recent storms, and calls have risen from all quarters to capture more of this bounty. We spoke with PPIC Water Policy Center adjunct fellow Greg Gartrell to understand what’s preventing that—and to dispel the myth of “water wasted to the sea.”


Fixing the Delta: How Will We Pay for It?

By Dean Misczynski

This report examines the question of how to pay for urgently needed investments in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta. For years, stakeholders have been at odds over beneficiary financing (charging those who use the water). But recent federal intervention to save endangered fish species and the decline of state and federal funding sources may finally break the impasse. This report situates the beneficiary payment debate in historical, legal, and political context. It also explores how this kind of financing might work for several “big ticket” items: water conveyance facilities, storage reservoirs, environmental mitigation, and levee improvements.

blog post

Commentary: A Chance to Solve the Delta Quandary

By Jeffrey Mount, Ellen Hanak

Voluntary accords offer the best hope for helping the Delta’s troubled freshwater ecosystems—while continuing to allow its waters to support a healthy California economy.

blog post

Drought Watch: Saving the Fish

By Jeffrey Mount

This is part of a continuing series on the impact of the drought.

In a recent California WaterBlog post, Peter Moyle of the University of California, Davis—a frequent collaborator on PPIC projects—highlights an issue not much discussed in the context of this drought: we ignore fish and wildlife at our peril.

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