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blog post

Farming Wetlands to Grow Birds

By Lori Pottinger

California has lost 95% of its natural wetlands. Managing what’s left is complicated by inadequate water and infrastructure.

blog post

Why We Need Working Floodplains

By Lori Pottinger

Floodplains are hard-working landscapes when they’re allowed to “act naturally.” An expert interview looks at efforts to get them working again.

blog post

Testimony: Paying for California’s Water Needs

By Ellen Hanak

At a Senate committee hearing on California’s underfunded water needs, Ellen Hanak and other panelists described the challenges of paying for a water system that works for all.

blog post

Solutions for the Delta

By Caitrin Chappelle

Decision makers need actionable science to address the many difficult challenges facing the Delta.


Priorities for California’s Water

This past year was a prime example of California’s highly variable climate—and a precursor of the challenges to come. This conference looks at issues that are front and center for managing California’s water supply and natural environment, including legislative priorities for cities, farms, and rural communities; partnerships for healthy ecosystems; and critical decisions for the Colorado River and Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta.

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