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blog post

The Year Ahead in Higher Education

By Hans Johnson

Last year brought historic disruptions to California’s colleges and universities. In 2021, how can policymakers and higher education officials draw on lessons learned during the pandemic while building on progress that was underway prior to COVID-19?

blog post

Ready for College?

By Hans Johnson

By several measures, a large and growing share of the state’s high school graduates are ready for college-level work.

blog post

Affirmative Action and Higher Education in California

By Radhika Mehlotra, Bonnie Brooks

A November ballot measure asks Californians whether or not to repeal the state’s ban on affirmative action in the public sector, including in public higher education.

blog post

Regional Action to Boost College Success

By Linda Strean

Higher education experts from Los Angeles, the Inland Empire, and the San Joaquin Valley describe their efforts to meet California’s need for college-educated workers.

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