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blog post

America’s Public Lands: A Bipartisan Political Success Story

By Sarah Bardeen

In an era marred by bitter partisanship, law professor John Leshy says that our public lands are one of the country’s greatest bipartisan achievements—and a shining political success story that’s worth emulating. Read our interview with him!

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Tracking Where Water Goes in a Changing Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta

By Greg Gartrell, Jeffrey Mount, Ellen Hanak

The Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta supplies water to roughly 30 million Californians, over 6 million acres of farmland, and countless ecosystems. But the watershed’s climate is changing: recent decades have seen record warmth, higher evaporation, and declining snowpack. We track where the water is going—and how to adapt.

blog post

Commentary: Newsom’s Water Strategy Needs to Go a Step Further

By Sarah Null, Jeffrey Mount

Dams are essential to managing California’s water supply, but their construction and operation has harmed freshwater ecosystems. We propose a novel approach to water management that treats the environment as a priority rather than a constraint on reservoir operations—and that may help to manage growing threats to the health of our rivers and estuaries.

blog post

Defining Community Is Slippery on the Eel River

By Cameron Nielsen, Sarah Bardeen

On paper, California’s Eel River is a prime candidate for restoration. So why is it so hard to get done? The answer lies partly in the dam’s history—but in large part, the challenge lies in the complexities of who exactly constitutes the river’s community. Finding a solution has implications not just for the state but for the nation.

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