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blog post

Discontent with Major Political Parties Continues to Simmer

By Lauren Mora

More than one-third of Californians have unfavorable views of both the Democratic and Republican parties—a larger share than four years ago—and an overwhelming majority believe the country needs a third major party.

blog post

Desire for Action on Housing Contrasts with How Californians Want to Live

By Dean Bonner

Majorities of Californians favor the state easing environmental and land use restrictions to increase housing supply and support requiring localities to build their fair share of affordable housing. At the same time, an overwhelming majority say they would prefer living in a single-family detached home over living in a condominium or townhome.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Strengthening California’s Transfer Pathway

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Hans Johnson, Cesar Alesi Perez, Jacob Jackson

By increasing the number of students who transfer to four-year institutions, California can preserve higher education’s critical role as a ladder of economic mobility and ensure that college graduates fully reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the state’s youth.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and the Environment

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Rachel Lawler, Deja Thomas

Key findings of the survey include: Most Californians think it is very important that the state take steps now to respond to climate change, though views vary across party lines. An overwhelming majority say that extreme weather events are a problem in their part of the state. A majority believe the use of electric vehicles helps address climate change; half have seriously considered getting one, and nearly one in ten have already done so.


A Regional Approach to Closing the Workforce Skills Gap

If current trends persist, California will face a severe shortage of college graduates by 2030. What can colleges and universities do to help close this workforce skills gap? PPIC researcher Kevin Cook will outline findings from a new report, and a panel of experts will discuss the challenges facing California’s higher education systems and the promise of regional approaches in key parts of the state: Los Angeles County, the Inland Empire, and the San Joaquin Valley.

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