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Policy Brief

Policy Brief: How Did Pandemic Recovery Funding Support California Community Colleges?

By Olga Rodriguez, Daniel Payares-Montoya, Kevin Cook, Chansonette Buck

Much of the pandemic recovery funding went directly to students—even that earmarked for institutional support. Investments reported to enhance student equity, success, and enrollment include making college more affordable, expanding student supports and services, and increasing flexibility in course modality.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: The Effects of COVID-19 on Transfer-Intending Students in California’s Community Colleges

By Cesar Alesi Perez, Jacob Jackson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Olga Rodriguez ...

After COVID-19 hit in spring 2020, enrollment fell among transfer-intending students at community colleges. Fewer students persisted through subsequent terms and fewer completed courses; however, more students reached critical transfer milestones than among pre-pandemic cohorts—a likely upshot of recent reforms.

blog post

CSU Ends Remedial Courses

By Jacob Jackson

California State University is eliminating remedial classes and will focus on helping students complete college-level work regardless of preparation.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Tracking Progress in Community College Access and Success

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Cesar Alesi Perez, Sidronio Jacobo, Fernando Garcia ...

We examine how student outcomes have changed in the years following Assembly Bill 705, which broadened access to transfer-level math and English courses at California’s community colleges.


Improving College Pathways in California

By Niu Gao, Hans Johnson

Far too many California students are falling off the pathway to and through college. At current rates of high school and college completion, only about 30 percent of California 9th graders will earn a bachelor’s degree, a rate that is insufficient for an economy that increasingly demands more highly educated workers.

blog post

Helping Community College Students Succeed

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Olga Rodriguez, Hans Johnson

California’s community colleges are moving toward system-wide implementation of concurrent remedial support for students in transfer-level classes. Early evidence suggests that such “co-requisite” support increases course completion.

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