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blog post

Video: Realignment and Crime

By David Lesher

PPIC researchers presented their report showing that property crime remains higher than it would have been without realignment. But there has been no observable impact on violent crime.

blog post

2021 Year in Review

By Mark Baldassare

The past year has been another deeply challenging one for California and the nation. As 2021 draws to a close, president and CEO Mark Baldassare reflects on the role PPIC has played in providing essential information—and fostering constructive dialogue—on the critical policy issues facing our state.

blog post

Video: Rating Realignment

By Linda Strean

Local law enforcement and corrections officials have risen to the challenge of California’s public safety realignment, a panel of local and state officials concluded last week. They also concurred that big challenges remain.

Statewide Survey

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Sonja Petek, Jui Shrestha

Some findings of the current survey:

  • Four in ten Californians say they will not be affected much by health care reform. About a quarter think they will be better off and a similar share think they will be worse off.
  • Half of Californians support the state government’s plan to ease prison overcrowding; most are concerned about the possible early release of prisoners.
  • There is overwhelming support for regulations requiring oil companies to obtain permits and disclose information on chemicals used in fracking and other oil extraction methods.
  • For the first time, a majority of Californians say marijuana use should be legal.

Job Approval Ratings:
President Obama [PDF]
Governor Brown [PDF]
California State Legislature [PDF]
U.S. Congress [PDF]
Senator Boxer [PDF]
Senator Feinstein [PDF]
Their Own State Legislators in the Assembly and Senate [PDF]
Their Own Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives [PDF]

Time Trends of Job Approval Ratings:
President Obama [XLS]
Governor Brown [XLS]
California State Legislature [XLS]
U.S. Congress [XLS]
Senator Boxer [XLS]
Senator Feinstein [XLS]
Their Own State Legislators in the Assembly and Senate [XLS]
Their Own Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives [XLS]

Mood of Californians:
General Direction of Things in California [PDF]
Economic Outlook for California [PDF]

Time Trends for the Mood of Californians:
General Direction of Things in California [XLS]
Economic Outlook for California [XLS]

This survey was supported with funding from The James Irvine Foundation.

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