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Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Understanding the Effects of School Funding

By Julien Lafortune, Stephanie Barton

A wide body of recent research offers insights into how and where additional dollars to fund K–12 public schools can improve student outcomes such as test scores and graduation rates. Estimates also reveal how long it may take to close gaps by race and income, based on current trends in funding.

blog post

How to Keep Buildings Cool in California’s Warming Climate

By Sarah Bardeen

California is getting warmer—and that’s putting strain on residents who are struggling to stay cool. Could better architectural design help? This week, we speak with an expert in passive cooling and carbon-neutral design to learn more.


The Future of Higher Education Enrollment in California

By Hans Johnson, Cesar Alesi Perez

College enrollment and completion have long trended upward in California, but enrollment declined during the pandemic. What might the state’s colleges and universities expect in the future? While California’s population is expected to grow very slowly, rising rates of college readiness among high school graduates will drive increases in enrollment over the next decade.



The coronavirus outbreak poses a tremendous challenge to California, the nation, and the global community. PPIC’s analyses examine the impacts of COVID-19 and how policy choices and other actions can help address them.

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