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Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Equitable State Funding for School Facilities

By Julien Lafortune, Niu Gao, Mary Severance

Funding for school facilities comes mostly from local sources and depends on local property wealth. California provides some funding through the School Facility Program (SFP), but many have noted that SFP privileges wealthier districts. Policymakers will need to identify equitable funding streams that give all students access to safe and effective learning environments

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Understanding the Effects of School Funding

By Julien Lafortune, Stephanie Barton

A wide body of recent research offers insights into how and where additional dollars to fund K–12 public schools can improve student outcomes such as test scores and graduation rates. Estimates also reveal how long it may take to close gaps by race and income, based on current trends in funding.


Distance Learning Strategies in California Schools

Learning gaps are a growing concern after a year of online instruction. During the pandemic, uneven distribution of resources may have widened gaps and led to learning loss for some students. Join us for a presentation and discussion on how California school districts addressed remote learning in spring 2020 and strategies to improve instruction in the 2020-21 school year.

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