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blog post

Defining Community Is Slippery on the Eel River

By Cameron Nielsen, Sarah Bardeen

On paper, California’s Eel River is a prime candidate for restoration. So why is it so hard to get done? The answer lies partly in the dam’s history—but in large part, the challenge lies in the complexities of who exactly constitutes the river’s community. Finding a solution has implications not just for the state but for the nation.


Priorities for California’s Water

This past year was a prime example of California’s highly variable climate—and a precursor of the challenges to come. This conference looks at issues that are front and center for managing California’s water supply and natural environment, including legislative priorities for cities, farms, and rural communities; partnerships for healthy ecosystems; and critical decisions for the Colorado River and Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta.

blog post

Drought Watch: Saving the Fish

By Jeffrey Mount

This is part of a continuing series on the impact of the drought.

In a recent California WaterBlog post, Peter Moyle of the University of California, Davis—a frequent collaborator on PPIC projects—highlights an issue not much discussed in the context of this drought: we ignore fish and wildlife at our peril.


Storing Water for the Environment

By Sarah Null, Jeffrey Mount, Brian Gray, Kristen Dybala ...

Large reservoirs are essential for managing water in California’s highly variable climate—but over the years, the construction and operation of these reservoirs have had significant environmental costs. Our new research outlines how reservoir operations could be changed to improve the health of the state’s fragile freshwater ecosystems.

blog post

The Weird Weather of 2023: Better Get Used to It

By Jeffrey Mount, Gokce Sencan, Michael Dettinger

Water Year 2023 comes to an end on September 30. For most weather-watchers, this was an unusual year, with very wet conditions following several very dry years—but are the frequency and intensity of these variations increasing as the planet’s temperature rises? And if so, what might be the implications for water management? We take a look.

blog post

New Opportunities for Trading Surface Water in the Sacramento Valley under SGMA

By Alex Ehrens, Joy Collins, Andrew Ayres

Successful groundwater stewardship under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) demands good information—not only about groundwater conditions, but also about surface water availability. We produced a new dataset of how access to this vital resource varies across irrigated farmland in the Sacramento Valley and the Delta, so it’s now possible to assess surface water conditions across the entire Central Valley.

blog post

Nine Policy Challenges for California Water

By Ellen Hanak, Jay Lund, Jeffrey Mount

A common theme running through California's Water is the state's tremendous capacity to adapt to changing conditions and tackle new challenges.

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