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Race and Diversity in the Golden State

By Hans Johnson, Eric McGhee, Carolyn Subramaniam, Vicki Hsieh

California is one of the most diverse states in the nation, but disparate outcomes persist across and within racial groups.

Fact Sheet

California’s Higher Education System

By Kevin Cook

The nation’s largest public system of higher learning is in California. Nearly 80% of state students attend a public institution, with over half enrolling in community college—making transfer into a four-year college a key path to a bachelor’s degree. Funds to support higher education and financial aid account for about 7% of the state’s budget.


Will California Run Out of College Graduates?

By Hans Johnson, Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

California’s higher education system is a critical driver of the state’s economic progress. As the state’s economy continues to change, will its workforce be ready for the jobs of tomorrow?

This report updates and extends projections of California’s workforce skills through 2030, focusing on the supply and demand for workers with a bachelor’s degree. We find that the state will fall about 1.1 million college graduates short of economic demand if current trends persist—a problem we call the workforce skills gap. Even the arrival of highly educated workers from elsewhere is unlikely to be large enough to fill this gap.

Today’s college graduates have better economic outcomes than those who do not hold a bachelor’s degree. Over time, college graduates have seen lower rates of unemployment and higher wages than other workers—even through the Great Recession—suggesting that college degrees have become increasingly valuable in California’s labor market.

The future workforce skills gap looms large. But California and its higher education institutions can take several practical steps to close it. The core of a new plan for higher education should include increasing access to the state’s four-year institutions, improving college completion rates, expanding transfer pathways from community colleges, and being smart about aid programs.


A Conversation with California State University Chancellor Joseph I. Castro

How is the California State University addressing major ongoing challenges, from the pandemic and its economic impact to persistent concerns about racial equity? Recently appointed CSU Chancellor Joseph I. Castro will join PPIC President and CEO Mark Baldassare for a wide-ranging conversation about short- and long-term priorities for higher education in California.

blog post

Serving California’s Diverse College Students

By Sergio Sanchez, Hans Johnson

California is enrolling more historically underserved students in the state's public higher education systems, but helping them to graduate in four years remains a big challenge.


Higher Education in California: Investing in Public Higher Education

By Hans Johnson, Patrick Murphy, Kevin Cook

State funding for higher education has increased in recent years. Per student funding for the California Community Colleges (CCC) is at an historic high and the Cal Grant program is larger than ever. But the state’s investment in its public universities remains far lower than in the past.


Strengthening California’s Transfer Pathway

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Hans Johnson, Cesar Alesi Perez, Jacob Jackson

Increasing the number of California community college students who transfer to four-year institutions is critical for creating a more diverse pool of college graduates. Despite recent progress, transfer rates remain low and racial disparities persist. Several reforms are already underway, and higher education institutions must continue to work together so more students can reach their academic goals.

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