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K–12 Reforms and California’s English Learner Achievement Gap

By Laura Hill

English Learner (EL) students have been a key part of California’s K–12 system for decades. They currently make up about 21 percent of the public school population. English Learner status is meant to be temporary, and indeed, reclassified English Learners (those who are deemed English proficient) are among the best-performing students in the state. But students who remain ELs for longer periods generally have poor outcomes.

blog post

Testimony: Accurately Assessing College Readiness

By Olga Rodriguez

A more equitable and efficient system for assessment and placement at the community colleges is a vital step in helping all students achieve their academic goals.


College Readiness in California’s Community Colleges

About the Program
Each year, California's community colleges identify hundreds of thousands of students as underprepared. These students are placed into basic-skills courses to help get them ready for college-level work. How do community colleges assess and place students? How does placement affect students' college trajectory and academic outcomes? PPIC researcher Olga Rodriguez will outline findings from two new reports, and a panel of experts will discuss challenges facing basic-skills education and the promise of recent reforms.

This event made possible with funding from The Sutton Family Fund.

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