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blog post

Election Day and California’s Future

By Mark Baldassare

In a year of unprecedented crises, Californians express a high level of enthusiasm about voting, and the state appears on course to set a modern-day record for voter turnout.

blog post

The Politics of Leaving California

By Eric McGhee, Hans Johnson

California has seen multiple years of population decline, driven in part by a growing number of people leaving the state. Political differences as to the role of government in society could be a factor in some migration decisions.

blog post

Californians and Immigration

By Dean Bonner

While the courts, and perhaps Congress, decide the future of President Obama’s actions on immigration, the most recent PPIC Statewide Survey shows how Californians view the issue.

Fact Sheet

California Voter and Party Profiles

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Lauren Mora, Deja Thomas

Nearly half of California’s registered voters are Democrats, and independent registration has declined over the past few years. Six in ten Republican likely voters are older adults; a majority of Democrats are women; and half of independents are college graduates.

blog post

Election Takeaways: Golden State of Mind

By Mark Baldassare

Record-high voter turnout, a "blue wave" of Democratic victories, and a diverse group of officeholders are among the key takeaways from California's 2018 election.

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