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Evaluating the Effects of California’s Corrections Realignment on Public Safety

By Steven Raphael, Magnus Lofstrom, Joan Petersilia

California has launched ambitious plans to change its corrections system. If all goes well, the state will become an important example of how to reduce the prison population and maintain public safety. This report provides guidelines on how to monitor the effects of realignment in such areas as recidivism, sentencing, and costs.

blog post

Testimony: A Data-Driven Approach to Corrections

By Mia Bird

California has effectively created 58 county policy laboratories and with them, the opportunity to use variation in county approaches to identify best practices that can be shared throughout the state and nationwide.

blog post

Video: Assessing Corrections Reforms

By Linda Strean

California’s historic corrections reforms have succeeded in important ways, but major challenges remain. A panel of state and local experts discussed them.


Corrections Realignment in California

About the Program
California has made historic changes to its public safety system by moving key responsibilities from the state to the counties. This change has dramatically reduced the state's prison population, put new stress on county jails and probation departments, and raised public safety concerns. PPIC research fellow Magnus Lofstrom will provide an overview of realignment to date, and a panel of corrections leaders will discuss challenges and opportunities for state and local officials.


California’s Historic Corrections Reforms

About the Program
Overcrowding and poor conditions in California's prisons triggered sweeping changes to the state's correctional system. Has the prioritization of correctional resources toward more serious offenders eased overcrowding and contained costs? How are county jails coping, and have reoffending rates declined? Has crime increased, as critics predicted? PPIC researcher Magnus Lofstrom will outline findings from a new report, and a panel of state and local experts will discuss the effects of recent reforms on crime, costs, and incarceration.

Please register in advance. There is no charge to attend, but space is limited. Lunch will be provided.


Corrections Reform in California

About the Program
California is making historic changes to its corrections system, shifting key responsibilities from the state to the counties. This shift has reduced the number of people who are incarcerated and created a renewed interest in rehabilitation programs. Please join us for a wide-ranging panel discussion about corrections reform, from reducing recidivism to improving outcomes for individuals and communities.

There is no charge to attend, but space is limited. Lunch will be provided.


Criminal Justice

Evaluating policy reforms, prison programs, policing, and crime.

blog post

Severe COVID-19 Infections May Threaten California’s Prisons

By Heather Harris

California invests more than any other state in prisoners’ health. Still, living conditions that make social distancing difficult and other factors could make the state’s prison population especially susceptible to a coronavirus outbreak.

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