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Comparing Futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

By Ellen Hanak, Jay Lund, William Fleenor, Jeffrey Mount ...

For over 50 years, California has been pumping water through the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta for extensive urban and agricultural uses around the state. Today, the Delta is ailing and in urgent need of a new management strategy. This report concludes that building a peripheral canal to carry water around the Delta is the most promising way to balance two critical policy goals: reviving a threatened ecosystem and ensuring a reliable, high-quality water supply for California.

blog post

Commentary: Competing Narratives on Delta Outflow Fuel Water Conflict

By Jeffrey Mount, Greg Gartrell

The federal government’s efforts to increase water supplied to farms and cities, and a breakdown in cooperation between the state and federal government, have escalated conflict over the Delta. What are they really fighting over?


A New Approach to Accounting for Environmental Water: Insights from the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta

By Greg Gartrell, Jeffrey Mount, Ellen Hanak, Brian Gray

How water is apportioned to California’s cities, farms, and the environment can lead to conflict and competition in times of drought. Allocation of water to the environment in particular is poorly accounted for and poorly understood—shortcomings that can affect water policy, decision making, and public perception. This report reviews the state’s long-standing methods for defining and accounting for environmental water and proposes reforms to improve the timeliness, transparency, and detail in the accounting of environmental water allocation.

blog post

New Strategy, New Challenges for the Delta

By Ellen Hanak, Jay Lund, Jeffrey Mount, Brian Gray

Governor Brown’s new approach to managing the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta brings new challenges.

Fact Sheet

The Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta

By Jeffrey Mount, Ellen Hanak, Greg Gartrell

The Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta is California’s largest estuary and a vital hub in the state’s water supply system. Three interlinked issues currently face the Delta: an increasingly unreliable water supply, a decline in ecosystem health, and a fragile system of levees. Learn more about this key watershed in our new fact sheet.

blog post

Solutions for the Delta

By Caitrin Chappelle

Decision makers need actionable science to address the many difficult challenges facing the Delta.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Tracking Where Water Goes in a Changing Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta

By Greg Gartrell, Jeffrey Mount, Ellen Hanak

The Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta supplies water to roughly 30 million Californians, over 6 million acres of farmland, and countless ecosystems. But the watershed’s climate is changing: recent decades have seen record warmth, higher evaporation, and declining snowpack. We track where the water is going—and how to adapt.

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