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College Prep for All: Will San Diego Students Meet Challenging New Graduation Requirements?

By Julian Betts, Andrew C. Zau, Karen Bachofer, Sam M. Young

Several of California’s major urban school districts have adopted ambitious new high school graduation requirements, making college preparatory coursework mandatory. This analysis—which focuses on San Diego—finds that the new requirements are likely to help many students but may damage the prospects of others. San Diego and other districts can take steps to help lower-achieving students meet the new graduation goals.

blog post

Calculating High School Graduation Rates

By Paul Warren

One of the lesser known provisions of the new federal education law might force California to revise the way it deals with graduation rates at alternative high schools.


Meeting California’s Need for College Graduates: A Regional Perspective

By Hans Johnson, Kevin Cook, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

Los Angeles County, the Inland Empire, and the San Joaquin Valley will play a critical role in whether California can keep up with the economy’s growing need for college graduates. Colleges and universities in these regions will need to work together to boost graduation rates, while enrolling more freshmen and transferring more students.


Closing the Gap: Meeting California’s Need for College Graduates

By Hans Johnson, Ria Sengupta Bhatt

California faces a shortage of almost a million college-educated workers by 2025. Taking a practical approach, this report finds that this education-skills gap could be cut in half by modest investments in programs aimed at expanding college attendance rates, increasing transfer rates from community colleges to four-year institutions, and boosting graduation rates at four-year institutions. As the state’s economy becomes increasingly reliant on highly skilled workers, a confluence of trends—the retirement of baby boomers, and demographic shifts toward groups with historically low rates of college attendance—makes these investments all the more crucial to the state’s continued economic success.

Fact Sheet

Immigrants and Education in California

By Hans Johnson, Cesar Alesi Perez, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

Educational attainment among California’s recent immigrants has risen markedly. Immigrants now make up 31% of California workers with at least a bachelor’s degree. However, immigrants also comprise an outsized share of workers with little formal education.

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