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blog post

Health in California Two Years into the Pandemic

By Shannon McConville, Paulette Cha

The COVID-19 pandemic not only highlighted longstanding health disparities in our state but also underscored the importance of health coverage and access to care.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: California’s Care Workforce

By Shannon McConville, Daniel Payares-Montoya, Sarah Bohn, Mary Severance

Demand for caregiving services is growing as California’s population ages and as the state invests in early childhood care and learning. There are many workforce challenges—including low pay and limited opportunities for advancement. Efforts in several key areas could improve prospects for care workers and help California meet its caregiving needs.

blog post

Essential Workers and COVID-19

By Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Julien Lafortune

Many essential workers in health care, transportation, and other sectors are not well equipped to weather the economic challenges of the COVID-19 crisis.

blog post

Community Colleges and Career Technical Education

By Shannon McConville, Sarah Bohn

It is crucial to understand the ability of California’s community colleges to effectively train a diverse health-care workforce for the jobs of the future.

blog post

Video: California’s Care Workforce

By Mary Severance

PPIC researchers Daniel Payares-Montoya and Shannon McConville discuss a new report on the care workforce—which provides essential services to children, older residents, and people with disabilities—and talk with state policymakers about the challenges of meeting future demand.


Health Training Pathways at California’s Community Colleges

By Shannon McConville, Sarah Bohn, Landon Gibson

State and federal policymakers looking to improve economic mobility and meet workforce needs have renewed their focus on career technical education. Health training is of particular interest—California’s community colleges offer a range of health programs and credentials and demand is growing for health workers with some college training. Students who earn shorter-term health credentials tend to see relatively low wage gains, and relatively few return to school to pursue higher-level training. Targeted outreach and support could help more students move along pathways to higher earnings.

This research was supported with funding from the ECMC Foundation and the Sutton Family Fund.

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