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Video: Reforming Federal Drought Management

By Ellen Hanak

As California and much of the American West copes with severe drought, an expert panel discussed how the federal government can help states prepare for drought and a warmer, possibly drier, future.

blog post

Helping the San Joaquin Valley Find New Uses for Fallowed Farmland

By Sarah Bardeen

In Sarge Green’s 40-plus year career, the water management specialist has worn an astonishing number of hats. He’s now deeply involved in efforts to help San Joaquin Valley farms and communities cope with the challenges of implementing the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. We spoke with him about how to manage farmland that will be transitioning out of intensive irrigation.

blog post

Could Rangeland Return to the Central Valley?

By Caitlin Peterson

As Central Valley farmers confront the need to fallow some farmland to comply with SGMA, we interview two experts about a possible alternative to fallowing: converting formerly irrigated farmland into rangeland. It would keep the land economically productive—and might bring other benefits.

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