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blog post

Video: Broadening California’s Exclusive Electorate

By Linda Strean

The divide between voters and nonvoters has particular significance in California, where voters make important policy decisions through the initiative process—and at a time when economic inequality is a major theme, Mark Baldassare told a Sacramento audience.

blog post

The PPIC Statewide Survey: Reflections at the 20th Anniversary

By Mark Baldassare, Abby Cook

Attitudes of Californians have evolved on key issues over the years. PPIC’s polling has also changed, but its high standards and commitment to delivering accurate, independent, nonpartisan information has not.

blog post

Election Takeaways: Golden State of Mind

By Mark Baldassare

Record-high voter turnout, a "blue wave" of Democratic victories, and a diverse group of officeholders are among the key takeaways from California's 2018 election.

blog post

Election Day and California’s Future

By Mark Baldassare

In a year of unprecedented crises, Californians express a high level of enthusiasm about voting, and the state appears on course to set a modern-day record for voter turnout.

blog post

New Approaches for the PPIC Statewide Survey

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Alyssa Dykman, Rachel Lawler

For PPIC’s April survey—on Californians and education--we are using a rigorous, fully online survey methodology.

blog post

California Is Different

By Mark Baldassare

The voters have spoken and the awkward result is a conflicting policy agenda for the state government and federal government.


California’s Political Geography 2020

By Eric McGhee

California still leans Democratic overall, but independents are leaning Republican in many areas of the state. A closer look suggests that registering all eligible residents to vote could moderate more partisan places. Views on specific issues also follow their own geographic patterns.

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