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blog post

New Reforms at California Community Colleges

By Olga Rodriguez

New reforms in California's community colleges could make placement policies more uniform and transparent, with potential to improve student outcomes and narrow achievement gaps.

blog post

Testimony: Accurately Assessing College Readiness

By Olga Rodriguez

A more equitable and efficient system for assessment and placement at the community colleges is a vital step in helping all students achieve their academic goals.

blog post

Preparing Community College Students for Success

By Linda Strean

State and local education experts discussed new PPIC research documenting the state of remedial education in California community colleges and reforms that are already underway.

blog post

Reforming Remedial Education in Community College

By Olga Rodriguez, Mina Dadgar

Reforming developmental, or remedial, education is essential to improving students’ success in community colleges. The good news is that there is major support for reform.


A New Era of Student Access at California’s Community Colleges

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Olga Rodriguez, Hans Johnson

A landmark law (AB 705) has helped tens of thousands of community college students complete the courses necessary for transfer to a four-year college. But student outcomes vary across campuses, and more work is needed to ensure equitable access and completion rates—particularly in math.

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