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Replenishing Groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley: 2024 Update

By Caitlin Peterson, Ellen Hanak, Zaira Joaquín Morales

How much progress has been made on groundwater recharge in the San Joaquin Valley since 2017? This report shares the details of our latest groundwater recharge survey, which we conducted in 2023.

blog post

Fostering Fairness in Flood Risk Management

By Sarah Bardeen

The US Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for planning and building much of the nation’s flood management infrastructure. In the past, the Corps used an economic evaluation system that favored projects in wealthier areas, that now appears to be changing. We asked the Corps’ Dr. Tessa Beach to tell us more.


Replenishing Groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley

Groundwater recharge has emerged as an important way to replenish the San Joaquin Valley’s dwindling aquifers, particularly under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. Last year, we asked dozens of urban and agricultural water managers to tell us how recharge was going—a reboot of our 2017 survey. How much progress has been made, and what’s needed next? Join us for a presentation of our findings and a panel discussion.


Policy Priorities for Managing Drought

By Ellen Hanak, Jay Lund, Jeffrey Mount, Peter Moyle ...

State, federal, and local water managers have worked diligently to reduce the economic, social, and environmental harm from the current drought. But as the drought continues, the challenges will grow more acute. California can learn from experiences to date—and from Australia’s response to its Millennium Drought—to better prepare both for the year ahead and for future droughts. State leaders should address weaknesses in four areas of drought preparation and response, by: 1) improving water use information, 2) setting clear goals and priorities for public health and the environment, 3) promoting water conservation and more resilient water supplies, and 4) strengthening environmental management.

blog post

Managing Freshwater Ecosystems in a Pandemic

By Jeffrey Mount

Efforts to maintain the health of California’s freshwater ecosystems have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet maintaining momentum on this work is key to reducing the impact of a hotter, drier climate.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Improving California’s Water Market

By Andrew Ayres, Ellen Hanak, Brian Gray, Gokce Sencan ...

This policy brief distills key takeaways from our report on water trading and banking in California, and how they will help the state bring its groundwater basins into balance under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). A broad range of policy changes could improve and expand California’s water market while protecting communities from harm.

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