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blog post

Water Management’s High-Tech Future

By Lori Pottinger

California’s urban water managers face some daunting challenges. We explore cutting edge advances to improve how cities manage water in an interview with Newsha Ajami.

blog post

The Great Nutrient Pollution Challenge

By Caitrin Chappelle

In excess, "nutrients” can harm the environment and our drinking water supplies. Nutrient-polluted runoff poses a major water treatment challenge for the Bay-Delta.

blog post

Testimony: Paying for California’s Water Needs

By Ellen Hanak

At a Senate committee hearing on California’s underfunded water needs, Ellen Hanak and other panelists described the challenges of paying for a water system that works for all.

Fact Sheet

Water and Energy in California

By Alvar Escriva-Bou, Gokce Sencan, Andrew Ayres

Water and energy are closely entwined in California: the energy sector relies heavily on water for electricity generation, and statewide water use consumes a lot of energy. Our new fact sheet illuminates the connections between these two sectors, and explores ways to make both systems more resilient in the face of climate change.

blog post

Tackling “Forever Chemicals” in the Water Supply

By Sarah Bardeen

Much has been made of two drinking water pollutants recently: PFAS and microplastics. We spoke with Jason Dadakis of the Orange County Water District to learn more about these pollutants—and to find out how worried we should be.

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