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blog post

Regulating Marijuana

By Patrick Murphy, Lunna Lopes

Most likely voters support legalizing marijuana, but would it be good public policy? The devil is in the details.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Do Registration Reforms Add New Voters or Keep Californians Registered?

By Eric McGhee, Jennifer Paluch, Mindy Romero, Stephanie Barton

Automatic voter registration and streamlined address updates have brought new voters onto the rolls while helping those who move within the state stay registered—but these reforms have not improved representation. To bring more young and diverse Californians into the electorate, the state must broaden its efforts to register new voters.

blog post

New Era for Initiatives?

By Mark Baldassare

The drop-off in state propositions and citizens’ initiatives—which have often captured media attention and voter interest in the past—may mark the beginning of a trend with profound implications for voter engagement and state policymaking.

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