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Fact Sheet

Droughts in California

By Jeffrey Mount, Alvar Escriva-Bou, Gokce Sencan

California is highly prone to droughts, and climate change makes them worse. This fact sheet describes key challenges to managing dry times.

blog post

California Is Different

By Mark Baldassare

The voters have spoken and the awkward result is a conflicting policy agenda for the state government and federal government.

blog post

Is California Turning Even Bluer?

By Eric McGhee

Some of California’s Republican-held House districts were won by Hillary Clinton in 2016. Voter registration patterns could offer clues about whether this Democratic shift will continue.

blog post

The End of the Post-Partisan Era?

By Mark Baldassare

New voter registration figures show that a partisan shift under way for several years has accelerated during the 2016 presidential election.

blog post

Assessing the Top Two Primary

By Eric McGhee

How is the top two primary faring? There will be 22 same-party races this election cycle, similar to but slightly lower than the 25 in 2014 and 28 in 2012.

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